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Solfeggio Sounds

Solfeggio frequencies offer a range of physical and mental health benefits, helping to synchronise brain waves to bring about a deep state of relaxation. The main benefits of listening to Solfeggio Frequencies include lower stress levels, fewer mood swings, lower blood pressure and improved sleep.

Image by Afonso Coutinho

174Hz Frequency

174 Hz frequency reverberates across the universe. This sound brings beauty to every cell of our body which in turn, helps to relief pain. 

Jungle Mountain View

285Hz Frequency

The 285 Hz sound helps to heal tissue and brings them to the original form by sending a message to restructure the damaged organs and tissues. 

Hiker in the mountains

396Hz Frequency

The 396Hz frequency, helps to eliminate feelings of guilt, fear and grief. It's great for people who recently lost a loved one. 

Relaxing Outdoor

417Hz Frequency

The 417Hz frequency marks the start of new beginnings, removing negative energy from the body, home and office.

Image by Kalen Emsley

528Hz Frequency
"The Love Frequency"

One of the most powerful and beautiful frequencies to listen to. This frequency can activate imagination, intention and intuition. It’s said to be the ‘love frequency’ and it helps to awaken your spirituality being.

Image by Tim Bogdanov

639Hz Frequency

This frequency helps to balance your heart chakra. and heals it. It can be used for dealing with relationship problems, regardless of it being with your family, between partners, or friends. It Enhances your communication, understanding, tolerance and love all around.

Image by Laura Lefurgey-Smith

741Hz Frequency

This frequency helps your intuition and problem solving skills. It can help provide mental clarity and can also be used to help those struggling with chronic pain, relieve tension. 

Image by Matthew Brodeur

852Hz Frequency

The 852Hz frequency helps to rebalance your spirituality. It’ll help you connect to the universe and your own consciousness on a deeper level. Helps to begin clearing your mind and understanding all things around you. 

Image by Sébastien Goldberg

963Hz Frequency

The 963Hz frequency is known as the ‘frequency of the Gods’. It can create room for oneness and unity with the spiritual world. Helps elevate your consciousness to a higher level of understanding. 

Singing Bowl Sound Healing

What is Sound Healing?

Sound healing is a practice that uses vibrations, frequencies, and sounds to promote healing and well-being in individuals. It operates on the principle that everything in the universe is in a state of vibration, including our bodies, organs, cells, and even the environment around us.


When these vibrations are out of harmony, it can lead to physical, emotional, or spiritual imbalances.

Sound healing aims to restore harmony and balance by using specific frequencies and tones.

One particular frequency that is often associated with sound healing is 432Hz.


This frequency is believed by some to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe and the natural world. In essence, sound healing encompasses various techniques and practices, including listening to specific frequencies, singing bowls, tuning forks, chanting, and music therapy, all with the aim of promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and supporting overall well-being. 

Some benefits of listening to music or sounds tuned to 432Hz include:

  1. Calming and Relaxing Effects: Advocates suggest that 432Hz has a calming and relaxing effect on the mind and body, potentially reducing stress and anxiety levels.

  2. Harmonizing with Nature: Some proponents argue that 432Hz is mathematically consistent with the patterns found in nature, such as the movements of celestial bodies or the structure of plants, and therefore listening to this frequency aligns humans with the natural world.

  3. Balancing Chakras and Energy Centers: In alternative healing practices like yoga and Ayurveda, it's believed that specific frequencies correspond to the body's energy centers or chakras. Some proponents claim that 432Hz helps balance these energy centers, promoting overall health and well-being.

  4. Enhanced Creativity and Intuition: It's suggested that listening to music tuned to 432Hz can stimulate creativity, intuition, and higher levels of consciousness.

    Sound healing can be particularly beneficial for someone who loves the outdoors, such as a hiker, in several ways:

    - Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Hiking can be physically demanding and mentally stimulating, especially when navigating challenging terrain or dealing with unpredictable weather conditions. Sound healing, through the use of calming sounds and frequencies, can help hikers relax, unwind, and reduce stress levels after a long day on the trail. Listening to soothing sounds of nature or music tuned to specific frequencies can facilitate relaxation and promote a sense of well-being.

    - Enhanced Connection to Nature: Hiking often involves immersing oneself in natural surroundings, including the sights, sounds, and sensations of the environment. Sound healing can deepen the hiker's connection to nature by tuning into the natural soundscape of the wilderness. Listening to the rustling of leaves, the chirping of birds, or the flowing of water can evoke feelings of serenity, awe, and connectedness with the natural world.

    - Mindfulness and Presence: Sound healing practices encourage mindfulness and present-moment awareness, which are essential components of a fulfilling outdoor experience. By actively listening to sounds in nature or engaging in guided meditation sessions, hikers can cultivate a deeper appreciation for the present moment, heighten their sensory awareness, and fully immerse themselves in the beauty of their surroundings.

    - Restoration and Renewal: Spending time outdoors can invigorate the body and mind, but it can also be physically and mentally taxing. Sound healing offers hikers an opportunity for restoration and renewal by providing a therapeutic space for relaxation, rejuvenation, and self-care. Whether it's taking a break to listen to calming music, practicing breathing exercises, or meditating amidst nature, sound healing can help hikers recharge their energy and replenish their spirit.

    Overall, sound healing complements the outdoor experience by promoting relaxation, fostering a deeper connection to nature, encouraging mindfulness, and supporting overall well-being. For hikers and outdoor enthusiasts, integrating sound healing practices into their adventures can enhance their appreciation for the natural world and enrich their outdoor experiences on both physical and spiritual levels.

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